Swagger R.I.P. (2002-200?)


Swagger jacking.

Swagger like us.


I’ve had enough of swagger. Not because I think swagger is a “bad thing”. But because it has reached its limits in the hip-hop lexicon. I’m hoping in the next few months swagger goes the way of “grown and sexy”, “the g funk era“, and the practice of raising the roof. Yeah, I know some people still use these terms and do the dance, but every time you hear them, you should look at someone with a scowl and hope they realize their wrong ways.

There are kajillion commentaries and songs about swagger, but honestly, it’s an empty term. It could mean a million things, but now-a-days it’s about a deep as a mixtape reference to Barack Obama. For example, on Urban Dictionary the definition with the most hits is,

How one presents him or her self to the world. Swagger is shown from how the person handles a situation. It can also be shown in the person’s walk.

Ugh, well have we learned anything from that definition? Well actually I think we have. In a way I kind of feel like swagger has become hip-hop culture’s most recent holy grail. Everyone’s on quest for it, claim they have it, but ultimately there claims and quests reveal their own ego, rather than reality. In the end, if you can defined by a single term, that probably means you need to step your game life up.

Filed under: Hip-Hop, Jokes

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  • Rich

    Swagger died when Kirk Herbstreet and the ESPN Gameday crew started using it. Just because you analyze young black kids doesn't mean you need to use their language. Bling is another term that needs to die. It's going slowly but people still use it unnecessarily. Well I'm off to get jiggy with it.

  • Rich

    Swagger died when Kirk Herbstreet and the ESPN Gameday crew started using it. Just because you analyze young black kids doesn't mean you need to use their language. Bling is another term that needs to die. It's going slowly but people still use it unnecessarily. Well I'm off to get jiggy with it.

  • Rich

    Swagger died when Kirk Herbstreet and the ESPN Gameday crew started using it. Just because you analyze young black kids doesn’t mean you need to use their language. Bling is another term that needs to die. It’s going slowly but people still use it unnecessarily. Well I’m off to get jiggy with it.

  • Rich

    Swagger died when Kirk Herbstreet and the ESPN Gameday crew started using it. Just because you analyze young black kids doesn't mean you need to use their language. Bling is another term that needs to die. It's going slowly but people still use it unnecessarily. Well I'm off to get jiggy with it.

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