Whoosh, Whoosh, that’s the sound of…
deadlines passing by. I can’t figure out where the heck my time is going. Sorry for my absence on the posts, but I’m a little bit busy these days. So I have a number of incomplete posts in my blogger account since my last post, so I’ll try to finish this one.
This past week, the Young Americans for Freedom hosted their “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day.” They originally scheduled the even at U of M for September 28th, but YAF chickened out. I heard a number of people rumble that they were not going to do the day because “the woman” who came up with it got fired. I thought it was really interesting that the Daily plastered Morgan Wilkins on their cover. Because she was “fired” I ran into a number of people who thought the event was off because the culprit was gone. As I suspected, she may have suggested the event, but the group was going to carry it out. I was unable to make it to the Diag on Thursday, but as this article outlines, the big story was BAM-N. Same script, different cast (well not really a different cast). Maybe I’m getting old, but their silencing of dialogue and reactionary antics are killing me… well hell that can’t be my age, they’ve been annoying me since 2000. That’s enough about them, not deserving of more space. Alternatively a number of student of color and ally orgs organized a peaceful counter-demonstration. Biggup up to that, as well as biggup to metro Detroit community that responded to the ignorance of YAF (shout out to Rashidah and Dawud – ya’ll are fly).
Aight, there is much much much more going on right now, but that’s all I have the energy to type on. I’m looking to put a couple more things up this coming week.
Filed under: Campus Life, Conservatism