Archive for April, 2009

Last weekend, at the Malcolm X Grassroots Unity Brunch one of the topics covered was violence against LGBTQ people of color. I think it was Kenyon Farrow who mentioned the suicides of Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover and Jaheem Herrera who are both Black boys who recently committed suicide because of peer bullying and hatred. Jewel Woods, of the Renaissance Male Project, writes a clear indictment of the ways that our schools allow torture and why boys of color are particularly at risk. What can we do to prevent torture in our schools and ensure a safe and whole development for all our children.

We take Obama’s first 100 days to task in an in-depth post that no one will read … or I just clown and link to funny stuff like Richard Pryor … find out which one it is.

Here are some interesting links on education research or education related things.

This Sunday’s Unity Brunch of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and The Women of Color Caucus will present a Film Screening and Panel discussion of the film No! The Rape Documentary. Guaranteed to be a powerful, insightful and uplifting. Come on out!

Okay, so I managed to not succumb to the foolishness known as Popeye’s Pay Day (yeah, you know the special they were advertising) but leave it up to Fox in Minnesota and my people to make it into a news story. Okay, I guess this is funny, but I think I really want to cry! It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder if we gonna make it!?!

So I got an email yesterday with a link to this sign and I was wondering what your thoughts are on this? I imagine there are two basic reactions: 1) Outrage and ready to take the makers to task or 2) Shaking your head and laughing it off. Which camp are you in? Do you have a different reaction?

So by now, I’m sure you’ve heard that Disney has been working extensively on the “The Princess and The Frog” their first foray into a Black Princess. And some of you are now saying, “But Dumi, didn’t you hear? The Prince isn’t Black?” Why yes, I did hear that, but I’m not sure it really moves me. I’ve got questions for Disney and You!

So what should be really funny is by the time this posts I should be in the air en route […]

So you know you’re getting old when folks tell you that the “future” is coming and when you look to see what they’re talking about you don’t get excited. That’s been my feeling for the past couple of months when people ad naseum tell me that Wale, Drake, Charles Hamilton, and the list goes on are the future of Hip-Hop. I just don’t feel these cats yet, but I have to give props where they are due. I messes with Kid Cudi.

Art that Heals

April 15, 2009 · 0 Comments

In the Welsh-Asante Aesthic model there is no form without function. In the production of SOARS, by A Long Walk Home you have a powerful art form that is not only stunning but begins the work of healing. Read more about it here.