Today’s Daily features two pieces on Christopher Columbus. NASA and La Voz Latina have managed to stir a bit of controversy, and much more thought, about the nature of Columbus’ effect on the Native peoples present in “America.” The article, which tries hard to display a side that can defend Columbus’ genocidal expansion across “America,” but when it just doesn’t cut muster! When some of the strongest defenses are,

“”Frankly it’s ridiculous. If they’re going to say this, they’ll probably start saying Washington and Jefferson were racists,” said Raham, an LSA sophomore. “Columbus’ contributions changed the course of history. … Everybody makes mistakes.”

Okay, where should I begin. Hmmm, Washington and Jefferson racists… lol, guess we have no evidence for that. Okay, everyone does make mistakes, but how many people’s mistakes take a toll of thousands (and I’m being conservative). And if he didn’t do the “killing” himself, he certainly set an interesting precedent for Manifest Destiny. Good job NASA and La Voz for stirring things up!

The second piece, is an editorial by Lauryn Strayer, and I think I like it! Yeah, miracles never cease to happen. It argues that we should “recall” Columbus day as it stands and if people really demand its retention it should occur on the first Monday of November to honor the “right to vote.” Hey, I’m for it, but I wonder if on that day of celebration history will once again forget the disparities in the right to vote. I imagine if the US is able to repaint history with Columbus day, not mentioning the denial of the right of the vote wouldn’t be any more difficult.

The Daily also runs a piece on the defeat of Prop 54 in Cali. Of course, very few folks will suggest that Prop 54 and the Michigan Ballot Initiative are too connected, so the piece of course ends with shoulders shrugged. And when will people stop reporting about that dang poll that says 52% of folks in Michigan don’t support the use of race in affirmative action? It is not even a statistically significant difference.

Lastly, Don’t forget the Moment meeting tonight! Moment is an alternative publication that is just starting and needs help shaping its vision. Come check out the meeting at 7pm in 3222 Angell.


Filed under: General

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