All before my morning coffee…

Getting up for me usually involves a regiment of reading, eating, washing, and coffee. Before I could get to the last three, I was awakened by two things, but not by coffee.

First the news that the Mets fired Willie Randolph arrived. Now anyone could have seen it coming, but it was when they fired him that really got me. I stayed up past 1 to watch the Mets win and then went to bed. Apparently in the wee hours of the morning, they released Randolph, Peterson (thank God), and Nieto. In many ways, they’ve captured my feelings about it on metsblog here.

And tucked amidst my political, social, and sports rantings, I occasionally delve into the emotional. I must say a thank you for the letter I received today. I contains some of the truest things that have ever had said to me and I’ll use it for its purposes. Thank you for pushing me to be “the northeast wind, pushing, cajoling, and inspiring greatness in myself and others.” (If you didn’t know, that’s what Dumi means).

Now to get to that morning coffee.

Filed under: General

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