An in-depth look at Obama’s first 100 days

We here at Uptownnotes have been carefully watching the first hundred days and wanted to let you know our perspective. First, we’d like to report, the first 100 days are done. Second, sometimes we get accused of being pessimistic about race relations because of highlighting signs of passe racial attitudes or mentioning the rise in hate crimes. Well, there was an article on the cover of the NYTimes yesterday that proved us wrong, people do seem to think race relations are getting better (never mind the article points out what people think and what is happening may be two different things) but now we’re optimistic that things are getting better. Don’t believe me, this commercial out of North Carolina proves it!

Today, Obama will deliver his 100 day address at noon. I am sure he will do well at addressing “change” but I doubt it will be as thorough and far reaching as the address by the 40th and first African-American President of the United States, Richard Pryor.

Okay, clearly I’m clowning this morning ya’ll. Happy 100 hundred days under a Black president. Now that we have an elected official who looks more like us, let’s make sure that we press the work harder and further. No need to really throw my blog into the fray over 100 days. Maybe I’ll link to some good analyses later.

Hat tip to RJK, KAF sorry been slacking on my hat tips of late.

Filed under: Electoral Politics, Jokes, Obama

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  • Brittany

    I'm going to become a sociologist for the times and create surveys like “are race relations generally good or generally bad?” i'd also like to ask questions like “how many black friends do you have?” and “how many pieces of fried chicken do you eat in a week?” this will give us a scientific foundation of the true state of race relations.

    to study the economy i will ask questions like “do you have a lot of money or not a lot of money?”

    and on foreign policy i will ask “is politics a foreign concept to you?”

  • Brittany

    I’m going to become a sociologist for the times and create surveys like “are race relations generally good or generally bad?” i’d also like to ask questions like “how many black friends do you have?” and “how many pieces of fried chicken do you eat in a week?” this will give us a scientific foundation of the true state of race relations.

    to study the economy i will ask questions like “do you have a lot of money or not a lot of money?”

    and on foreign policy i will ask “is politics a foreign concept to you?”

  • Ashwini

    Didn't know you had staff/interns at Uptown notes–I would have put in an application!

    Or are we using the “Majestic Plural” here? ;)

  • Ashwini

    Didn’t know you had staff/interns at Uptown notes–I would have put in an application!

    Or are we using the “Majestic Plural” here? ;)

  • fatima

    I'm south asian. and the red house is for ME!

  • fatima

    I'm south asian. and the red house is for ME!

  • Ashwini

    Didn't know you had staff/interns at Uptown notes–I would have put in an application!

    Or are we using the “Majestic Plural” here? ;)

  • fatima

    I’m south asian. and the red house is for ME!

  • fatima

    I’m South Asian. And the Red House is for ME!

  • fatima

    I'm south asian. and the red house is for ME!