I was wondering….
1) Why do I know in a couple days it will be impossible to find all these good documentaries on Black folks on TV anymore?
2) When will BET get real and put The launch of BET on their list of events that Mishaped Black America?
3) When will people realize saying “I’m mad at you” or “We need to talk” are inversely related to my pursuit of them for a conversation?
4) Are you offended by the Geico caveman commericials?
5) Now that I’m bumping Liberation, when will Eardrum finally come out?
6) Now that I’m bumping Tru3 Magic, when will we get a Blackstar reunion album?
7) Now that You So Crazy is over 10 years old, can we officially call it the Delirious of my generation?
8) How come when I was growing up no one ever told me that Patty Hearst and Charles Manson had some racial ish at the core?
9) Shouldn’t no one get the prize money on the White Rapper Show?
10) Black Snake Moan…. wtf????
Filed under: General