If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about this billboard?

So I got an email yesterday with a link to this sign and I was wondering what your thoughts are on this? I imagine there are two basic reactions: 1) Outrage  or 2) Shaking your head and laughing it off. Which camp are you in? Do you have a different reaction? Why do you think you had the reaction you did?



Filed under: Food for Thought, Obama, Questions

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  • http://betweenbrooklynandbeing.blogspot.com/ Nubian

    I am totally in the offended category…full of stereotypes…no heart of the matter…no complexity and then it is an advert for hand-made signs…more race-baiting for an audience they think wants to hear it and they think needs those images to buy…image manipulation and demand…wow.

  • http://betweenbrooklynandbeing.blogspot.com/ Nubian

    I am totally in the offended category…full of stereotypes…no heart of the matter…no complexity and then it is an advert for hand-made signs…more race-baiting for an audience they think wants to hear it and they think needs those images to buy…image manipulation and demand…wow.

  • Fatima

    This is disgusting and offensive and falls in the arena of the NY Post cartoon from last month. I had the reaction I did because I'm starting to feel like this “post-racial” society is actually going to take us back to the days pre-civil rights in many ways.

  • Fatima

    This is disgusting and offensive and falls in the arena of the NY Post cartoon from last month. I had the reaction I did because I'm starting to feel like this “post-racial” society is actually going to take us back to the days pre-civil rights in many ways.

  • Fatima

    This is disgusting and offensive and falls in the arena of the NY Post cartoon from last month. I had the reaction I did because I’m starting to feel like this “post-racial” society is actually going to take us back to the days pre-civil rights in many ways.

  • Fatima

    This is disgusting and offensive and falls in the arena of the NY Post cartoon from last month. I had the reaction I did because I'm starting to feel like this “post-racial” society is actually going to take us back to the days pre-civil rights in many ways.

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