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Some of you may know I recently went to see the Scottsboro Boys (musical) at the Vineyard Theatre here in NYC. I took a few minutes to compile my thoughts for Centric’s Culture List Blog.


My blackberry buzzed and I looked at the message, “Do you want to see a play about the Scottsboro boys?” I replied, “yeah.” Then the second message came in: “It’s a musical.” At that moment I wondered, who and why would someone make a musical out of tragedy of the railroading of nine Black men for the alleged rape of two White women in Alabama … after watching it I had more questions and even more anger.

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Filed under: Ancestors, Art, BHC, Black Men, centric, Review

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  • Amber Jones

    Disgusted but not surprised, stunned nonetheless…

  • Amber Jones

    Disgusted but not surprised, stunned nonetheless…