Black Male Success Strategies

If you watch the news, listen to friends, or click on links you’d think the only thing Black males have to offer is violence, incarceration, and failure. This is definitely not the case! Like all groups, Black men are diverse and we need to recognize what is going right as well as what is going wrong. Check out my latest on “Realizing Black Male Success.”

“Black male success”. These three words are elusive in the press and too rarely associated with the brothers in our everyday lives. A recent report, however, may prove to be the game changer we so desperately deserve.

Dr. Shaun R. Harper, Professor of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, recently released results from a comprehensive study of Black males who have excelled at college and beyond. The report, “Black Male Student Success in Higher Education” is the first research report released by the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education (CSREE). In the study’s pages we get an all too rare glimpse into what enables success for Black males. Read More

Filed under: Affirmative Action, Black Men, Education, Gender, Masculinity, Morehouse, Obama, Public Policy, Race, Racism, Sexuality, Youth

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