Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category

On Tuesday, the New York Times published a story entitled “As Population Shifts in Harlem, Blacks Lose Their Majority.” The […]

Growth in Purpose

January 1, 2010 · 2 Comments

This is my reflection on Nia Purpose “To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order […]

This is my reflection on the principle of Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics… The title of the post is a variation […]

You’ve never given this much to the Lord or to the LA legislature!

Here are some interesting links on education research or education related things.

Okay, so I managed to not succumb to the foolishness known as Popeye’s Pay Day (yeah, you know the special they were advertising) but leave it up to Fox in Minnesota and my people to make it into a news story. Okay, I guess this is funny, but I think I really want to cry! It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder if we gonna make it!?!

The conservative news magazine has been really consistent with their critique and analysis of Obama, check out the March and April Covers.

Jim Cramer of Mad Money’s interview from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I’m sure Jim Cramer wishes he never did this interview and the one they kept referencing.

This week, my dear friend Yusef Ramelize, took on the issue of homelessness. No, he didn’t decide to volunteer at a soup kitchen. No he didn’t decide to give out change to someone he saw as he was exiting the platform. No he didn’t email his friends and tell them they should join a “homelessness sucks” cause on facebook. He decided to raise awareness about the issue of homelessness by getting a first person experience. Yusef is going homeless for one week.

Check out a free screening of G-trification a short film by Karra Duncan today (2/26) at 5:30pm at the Harlem School of the Arts during the Harlem International Film Festival. It’s a short, potent, and poignant commentary on transformation uptown.