Today, we have also lost one of our African American political pioneers Maynard Jackson. Maynard Jackson has passed away at the age of 65 and was the first Black mayor of Atlanta.

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Here’s another one.

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And here is an AP article is you want a longer summary of what went down this morning. Click here.

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The decisions are in and the press conference is getting underway in Ann Arbor on the Diag. I was able to catch a little CNN coverage this morning which featured a number of Michigan student activists! Fast and dirty summary: Law School system of admission upheld as “narrowly tailored,” diversity is a compelling state interest, and this race can be used as a factor. Undergraduate case: Partial reversal- meaning: the point system is dead. But race can still be considered in undergraduate admissions. Overall, Victory . This is really good news.

The opinons are up on the web now. For the decisions and opinons follow this link.

Keep watching the news for the latest. Okay, I can breathe again!

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Oh, and a great document is up on the SCOR webpage. It’s entitled: How to Read a Supreme Court Decision.

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It’s about 12 hours until the decision from the Supreme Court on the U of M admissions case will be handed down. My prayers are up and so are my hopes ;) I’ll update with reactions after the verdict.

In other news, there are still some issues that continue to emerge in the funding of HBCUs. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Clark Atlanta University is experiencing increased financial difficulties and a number of job cuts and fiscal adjustments. CAU still has accreditation and will not go under review until 2006.

Actual education continues to come under attack by the Right. This MSNBC article outlines how Whiteness Studies is now being challenged.

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Oh, Abercrombie & Fitch is also now fielding a discrimination lawsuit. The suit filed by a number of Latino and Asian plantiffs suggests that Latinos, APA’s, and African Americans are steered towards stock room jobs, etc.. Check the AP article in the Times click here.

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Okay, so obviously the Supreme Court Decision did not come down Monday, so be on the lookout for next Monday. Though the eyes of the nation seem to be in a host of locations, the Affrimative Action case remains on the radar. Today, Americans for a Fair Chance (a project of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Education Fund ) has launched a Public Service Annoucement campaign entitled, “Affrimative Action Works.”

While some concentrate on the impending decisions about U of M, Benton Harbor has been gaining national attention from rioting! The city, about 12,000 has been rioting for about 2 days in an 8 block radius. The riots began after a fatal chase that involved two motorcycles and police cars. Essentaily they are eligble for a state of emergency where the national guard can be called in, but that hasn’t happened yet. Tonight there will be a heavy police state rolling in and there has been a curfew placed from 10pm to 5am.

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We may be moments away for finding out the Supreme Court Decision on the U of M Affrimative Action cases. The decision will be known at about 9am on the this Monday or next Monday (the 23rd, the original estimation of when the decision would come forward) SSAA will be holding a press conference on the graduate library steps at noon on decision day. The conference will feature speakers ranging from the Speaker of the Black Student Union to the head of the ACLU. More details will follow.

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And Jayson Blair has still not left us! Two editors from the Times have resigned following the Blair scandal.

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