American Eagle has followed the tradition of Abercrombie and Ftitch in the creation of culturally offensive (not just insensitive) clothing. American Eagle Outfitters have launched a set of clothing that pictures the Hindu Lord Ganesh as the logo for the “Dehli-cious” Peanut Company. The American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD) have launched a campaign in response. Go the site and check out how you can help stop the tokenism of communities of color!

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Yesterday, our “beloved” Supreme Court attempted to remind us how committed to diversity and equality they really are by offering a ruling in Demore v. Kim, No. 01-1491 . The case essentially maintains that legal immigrants can be held without bail during deportation hearings. US Citizens are not allowed to held without bail during hearings. The expansion of the law’s power to hold immigrants without bail certainly will fit well into our ever evolving Homeland “I’m really in secure about trusting anyone I didn’t grow up next too and who doesn’t look just like me” Security Policies.

A friend also informed me that Charleton Heston made his last speech as NRA president. Gov. Jeb Bush got to keynote at the event and Kayne Robinson took over the presidency of the organization. I only wonder will Kayne Robinson follow in his predecessor’s footsteps and suggest that the ethnic diversity of the US is the cause of violence in the US.

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On this past Saturday, Detroit hosted the ,Detroit Hip Hop Summit – Rebuilding, Refocusing, Reinvesting, Resurgence. The event, I hear had a decent turn-out with about 2/3 of Cobo Arena being filled. The overall reviews from people who were actually there have suggested that Russell Simmons was more interested in hawking “Def Jam Vendetta”, their new wrestling video game, than rebuilding, refocusing, etc. The Hip Hop Summit Action Network has amazing potential, but most people say the event didn’t live up to its potentail. Maybe, we have to stop waiting on Russell, as Rosa Clemente urged us to, and start rebuilding, refocusing, reinvesting and spark a resurgence within our hip hop generation.

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Well, it looks like I have the page back to looking like I want it to. Pardon the dust that may come with the construction of my first webpage.

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I’m experiencing some technical difficulties right now with the page. I have two suggestions: 1) close your right eye and the page will look more centered and 2) keep checking back because this problem will soon be resolved!

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Better Luck Tomorrow, one of the first (if not the first) films to concentrate on the APA experience in California is now playing at the State Theater. Word on the street is, “catch it soon.” I hear last weekend’s turn out was low because of graduation. Hopefully that won’t make the theater pull it too soon!

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The University announced that they are forming a new office. The Office of Institutional Equity will merge the Sexual Harrassment and the Office of a Multicultural Community. The office specializes in human resources issues such as equity of pay, etc. Now what are the chances the office will have any say in the disproportionate number of non-tenure track faculty of color , especially women of color?

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This is the first entry in what I hope to be a good website. If you don’t see anything new, it’s because I’m lazy. But if you see something new, I encourage you to tell a friend. If people look at this site, I will update it.

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